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GRANGER: The Minister and the rest of the Wizengamot have already signed. We are only waiting on your signature.

DUMBLEDORE: Already? Since this morning?

GRANGER: They see the urgency of the situation.

DUMBLEDORE: But with Harry captured, surely–

GRANGER: Lovegood is the power behind his faction. I suspect that Potter was a mere figurehead; we cannot verify that he even has the ability to cast the Killing Curse.

DUMBLEDORE: Even so, to do this...

GRANGER: It is the only way we can rely upon.

DUMBLEDORE: Is Azkaban not secure enough? Now that it uses real guards instead of Dementors, I thought...

GRANGER: Capture is preferable, of course, but Lovegood has made herself difficult to capture.

DUMBLEDORE: I cannot argue with your logic, but still...

Dumbledore is holding the parchment. We can now see some of the text on it: "Ministry of Magic" at the top, then "AUTHORIZATION FOR DEADLY FORCE", and somewhere in the body of the (still mostly illegible) text, "Luna Lovegood".

DUMBLEDORE: I've never signed away a life.

GRANGER: And what of the dozens you may sign away by denying us the powers we need to end this killing spree? You yourself lived through Voldemort's reign of terror; would you hold one life in balance with everything he did? Would you spare even Tom Riddle, knowing what he would go on to do?

DUMBLEDORE: Ah, Tom Riddle... A matter that touches close to my heart... I was the first one to tell him he was a wizard, you know.

We enter a narrative frame in which Dumbledore describes past events. In the frame, a younger Dumbledore is standing at the intersection of two Muggle roads, holding a map. The map has labels for "Main St" and "Church St", and a mark suggesting a destination.

PRESENT DUMBLEDORE: I found him in a Muggle orphanage...

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The Minister and the Wizengamot members agreed fairly easily to having Luna killed. The authorities in the patriarchal world of real-life Britain probably wouldn't agree so easily to killing a young, white, female person like Luna Lovegood, regardless of the circumstances. But in the relatively gender-egalitarian world of Voldemort's Children, they don't think about it any differently than if ze was a male serial killer.

Also, I'm sure glad I have a font for Granger now! (I still have to draw Dumbledore's voice, but it's actually quicker to draw than Granger's was, and it would be much harder to make a font for.)

Approximate readability: 11.27 (495 characters, 105 words, 5 sentences, 4.71 characters per word, 21.00 words per sentence)