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PRESENT GRANGER: I had done a great deed, or so people told me. The names were not new to me, but I had viewed the tale of Pettigrew, and Black, and your parents, as mere history. {pause} Now I was part of that history, and according to the judgment of the world, I was the hero; Pettigrew had confessed everything, and now I was the one who had revealed the truth, set free the innocent, and delivered the guilty to their proper fate...

We see a view of Granger sitting in the Gryffindor common room, reading the Daily Prophet newspaper. The headline is "Hogwarts student uncovers Pettigrew", and it has a picture of Granger on the front cover.

DAILY PROPHET: Granger takes it all with perfect modesty. "All it took was one person to be suspicious of their neighbor's rat", she said in an interview. "And really, I wouldn't have noticed anything if it wasn't for Crookshanks. She deserves as much credit as I do." {paragraph break} Student response to the news that a Dark Wizard was living among them is mixed. "I know I'm going to take Defense Against the Dark Arts more seriously after this," Ron Weasley said, speaking for the majority. But not all students are surprised. "Everyone knows twenty percent of Hogwarts pets are unregistered Animagi," said Luna Lovegood, a second year Ravenclaw. "Mostly stalkers and overprotective parents, so a fugitive is nice for variety!"

PRESENT GRANGER: But when I return from it all – when the professors are done praising my skill – when the Aurors have thanked me for the last time for my cooperation – when Dumbledore has finally run out of breath with which to call me brave – when I am alone – I come before the harshest judge, who is myself.

Granger sits alone on a bed, looking fatigued. Two windows let in bright sunlight next to zem, but ze is looking away and the colors in the room are all dull despite the light. Unlike most of Granger's narration, this image fades into shadow at the edges.

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In the books, the characters call Crookshanks “he”. In the fantasy novels I've read, if a female character has an animal companion, it's almost always male. I haven't been able to come up with any examples of a female character with a female animal companion. I'm sick of this “male and female are complementary opposites” nonsense, so I've decided to go against the trend here.

I haven't specified exactly what the difference from the books is, though. Perhaps Crookshanks is a transgender female cat, and the only difference from the books is that Granger is perceptive enough to notice and respect that.

Approximate readability: 9.37 (483 characters, 102 words, 6 sentences, 4.74 characters per word, 17.00 words per sentence)