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The three Aurors point their wands at Luna. Luna smiles innocently and shrugs.

LUNA: I'd stay to chat, but I'd rather not get arrested. Bye!

Luna raises zir wand and conjures a zigzag of light, which engulfs zem and apparently transports zem out of the room.

TONKS: Is she gone?

GRANGER: Homenum revelio. { The incantation of a spell that reveals nearby people, including if they're invisible. } She's gone. Tonks, trace that spell. Kingsley, you make sure the attackers are stunned and restrained, then help Dawlish. I will see to Alecto.

Tonks waves zir wand in a circle.

TONKS: There's nothing I can trace! It's like she wasn't even here!

Shacklebolt looks over the fallen bodies. Harry is sprawled over Dawlish's lap; Dawlish is now trying to sit up, and looks down at Harry without much emotion. Shacklebolt is looking at the other stunned person, who is still hidden as a silhouette.

SHACKLEBOLT: We've got Potter and... who's this? It can't be!

Granger kneels near Alecto and takes zir chained wrist in one hand. Alecto looks away and cries from one eye. Granger taps the chain with zir wand, causing it to disintegrate, then holds Alecto's limp hand in zir hand. There is a laceration across Alecto's wrist. Blood drips from it.


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First · Archive · ⚠ depicts cartoon blood (disable content warnings) ⚠ disabled (enable content warnings) · encourage me

Wizard chains don't have keys. Wizards just conjure them in place and then remove them by magic when they're finished.

Approximate readability: 5.94 (95 characters, 20 words, 2 sentences, 4.75 characters per word, 10.00 words per sentence)