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Granger and Tonks walk in through the double doors of the Strategy Room, where the other Aurors are already standing in rows. Shacklebolt, Dawlish, and Alastor Moody are in the front row. Moody stands out with zir scars, wooden leg, and bright magical eye. Tonks heads for a back row; Granger strides out in front of the others and makes a speech.

GRANGER: Thank you for your patience. I will attempt to be brief. { pause } We have suspected for months that Potter has two primary accomplices, and that one of them is Luna Lovegood. This is now confirmed. Potter and the other are now in our custody, but Lovegood is still free. Four of us have seen her take a direct Stunning Spell and be unaffected, then escape by a means similar to Apparition, but untraceable. We don't know what her powers are or where they come from. I will meet with you again this evening to discuss our strategy against Lovegood; before then, I have a grim errand to complete. { pause } This puts us in an uncertain position. In these circumstances, I understand there may be some temptation to... well, to jinx first and ask questions later, especially when we have spells such as the Disarming Charm that are designed to neutralize an opponent without doing too much harm. However, there have been recorded instances in which even the Disarming Charm has hurled a person clear across a room, resulting in injury or death. { pause } No Auror has killed a person by accident since before Voldemort's defeat. I do not intend for any of you to be the first. Thus, if I discover that one of my Aurors has cast any offensive spell without reasonable justification to use force, I will personally make sure that that person no longer works for this office. Understood?

A pause. Then:

DAWLISH: Are you r–

Dawlish is cut off by Moody. Moody's speech is drawn in a heavy, rough, dark gray style.

MOODY: Understood.

DAWLISH { in a much smaller voice }: I still have no idea how she got Moody on her side.

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This page was informed by my thoughts about Tasers.

Who is Dawlish talking to? Ze could be muttering to zemself, or ze could be talking to Gawain Robards, the one further to the right. Robards might have some reason to resent Granger as well – in the books, ze became the Head of Office after Scrimgeour left, but here, ze was upstaged by the much younger Granger.

I think there are about twenty Aurors in total. The four in the front are the senior Aurors (whom you can also recognize by their darker coats/robes). To gain seniority, an Auror has to both be exceptionally skilled and be around for a long time. Tonks is skilled enough to be one, but ze's relatively new. Dawlish probably isn't skilled enough to qualify; ze was granted seniority under the somewhat corrupt leadership of Rufus Scrimgeour. (Granger became an Auror at about the same time as Tonks, but ze counts as a senior Auror because ze's the Head of Office.)

I decided not to have Moody retire – there's no particular reason for that, but I wanted to have zem as a character to play with, and making zem be a current Auror was an easy way to make zem relevant to the plot. I'm already rearranging the timeline of the backstory for other reasons, so perhaps this is simply a younger Moody than the one we meet in the books.

Approximate readability: 8.78 (1021 characters, 236 words, 12 sentences, 4.33 characters per word, 19.67 words per sentence)