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A tent, amid some trees. Past Harry, Draco, and Luna are inside. Luna and Harry are now wearing red robes like the ones Lily was wearing when Voldemort attacked, and this version of Harry speaks in the pure red of present Harry. Draco is still wearing grey student robes, but zir collar is now red instead of green. Draco's face has two new scars on it that we haven't seen before; one is at the left corner of zir mouth where Harry kicked zem (the same place as Harry's mouth scar, but a different shape), and the other is next to zir right eye.

PAST HARRY: –and after we kill them, we can break into the kitchens and let the elves escape with us.

LUNA: We can't free the slaves, Harry...

PAST HARRY: Of course we can, th–

DRACO: They won't come.

LUNA: No, Draco, let me be the one to tell him about the elves!

A narrative frame opens in which Luna describes the founding of Hogwarts.

LUNA: The history books make a big deal about the conflict over admitting muggle-borns...

The four founders (Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, and Helga Hufflepuff) stand at the corners of a metaphorical four-sided shape. Gryffindor is bearded, wears pants and boots, and has a sword. Ravenclaw has long purple hair and a smooth appearance, with zir hair and robes trailing as if they're in the wind, but in opposite directions. Slytherin has zir arms folded, wears dark robes, and has grey hair and a thin grey beard. Hufflepuff is short and plump, and wears earthy colors. Where they're standing, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are close to each other, as are Ravenclaw and Slytherin, but the pairs (Gryffindor-Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw-Slytherin) are farther apart from each other.

SLYTHERIN: Muggles are an inferior race!

GRYFFINDOR: Yeah, but Muggle-borns are still wizards!

RAVENCLAW: They simply are not equipped to study here.

HUFFLEPUFF: What? They'll work as hard as anyone else.

LUNA: But they { the history books } only make a footnote of Helga Hufflepuff's belief that students, not enslaved elves, should do the daily work of the castle.

The four founders are now arranged with Hufflepuff far away from the others, who are all close together. The other three are facing away from Hufflepuff.

HUFFLEPUFF: It will teach them humility and citizenship.

GRYFFINDOR, RAVENCLAW, AND SLYTHERIN: There's no excuse to waste the time of witches and wizards!

Luna's narrative frame closes; we are back in the tent.

LUNA: Today, the house-elves do not serve the Hufflepuff dormitory. The laundry is done by students... the beds are made by s–

PAST HARRY: Then Hufflepuff is the only house worth being Sorted into!

A pause.

DRACO: Um... Are either of you–

Harry and Luna look down. { Harry is in Gryffindor, Luna is in Ravenclaw, and Draco is in Slytherin. }

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The Hufflepuff students, by the way, still do eat elf-cooked food in the Great Hall with the others.

Harry grew up in a Muggle Britain, where slavery is almost unheard-of. Many real people would react in a similar way: when they learn that a group uses slaves, they call it evil and try to distance themselves from it. But what if everything is evil? Can you distance yourself from everything?

Our world is not so different. Many of our conveniences are based on the suffering and exploitation of others. It's hard to understand what we can even do to change it.

On a different subject, the tent where Harry, Draco, and Luna are meeting is in a hidden location, much like in the seventh book when the trio are on the run from Voldemort. This is also the same location where they listen to the radio all the way back on page 4; maybe I'll retcon a tent onto that page eventually, to make it more clear.

On a more technical note... Until (and including) this page, I've hand-lettered all the dialogue in Voldemort's Children. That's been okay so far, even in chapter four (I was taking 1-2 hours for each page just drawing Granger's dialogue, but that was reasonable because Granger was talking a lot). The trouble is, Luna's speech takes a long time to draw – I spent an entire two hours just drawing zir dialogue on this page, out of six hours total to draw the page. That's not really worth it. So I've created a TrueType font for Luna, and I'm going to start using that on tomorrow's page. It won't look quite as nice, because it won't have all the friendly irregularities of the hand-drawn dialogue, but it's still generally the same.

If I decide I like the choice, I'll probably do the same thing for Granger next time ze talks a lot, because Granger is very verbose and zir speech is already pretty standardized.

Approximate readability: 7.90 (1422 characters, 334 words, 18 sentences, 4.26 characters per word, 18.56 words per sentence)