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Ilse is riding an airplane. Ze checks zir watch, which is a simple modern one, unlike the old-fashioned one Lucia had. It now reads 4 o'clock.

In a thought bubble, we see what Ilse imagines Lucia is doing right now. Lucia approaches the bins in the art room that appeared on the previous page. Ze sticks zir hand into the one on the right. However, on another table, there is a sign saying "FOR BROKEN GLASS", with a paper note saying "This sign fell down. Can you mount it again soon? It goes above the bin on the right." Lucia has stuck zir hand into the broken glass, and it is now cut and bleeding. Lucia looks down at zir hand. Ze remembers Ilse saying "pointlessly hurt someone, just to win an argument". Ze looks horrified. Along with zir horrified expression, the blue color that has been on zir shoulders for the whole story turns to gray, and ze begins crying blue tears instead.

Outside the thought bubble, Ilse is still on the airplane, imagining this happening to Lucia. Ilse makes a rude gesture and grins for the first time.

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Author's notes

I wrote this in 2011. It was my first serious graphic story, and only my second story that emphasized neurodiversity. Now, in 2016, I have mixed feelings about it.

What is the point of this story?

Maybe it's a moral fable? Lucia does something wrong, then suffers for it, then (perhaps) learns a lesson. The point of a moral fable is to teach the reader that they shouldn't do what Lucia does. Maybe this story does that. But that story would normally be told from Lucia's perspective, and this one is told from Ilse's perspective.

Maybe it's a revenge fantasy? Ilse feels wronged, retaliates, and feels vindicated. In a revenge fantasy, if the reader shares the main character's frustrations, maybe it helps the reader feel some catharsis. But Ilse's frustrations are based on my own, and I don't feel good about the ending at all. I really don't like the idea of this story being a revenge fantasy.

As a writer, my instinct is to make things as dramatic as possible. Here, that made me give you a snapshot of the moment when two people hurt each other the most. That might not have been a good thing. Neurotypical people often have an unreasonable fear that neurovariant people (like Ilse) will hurt them, and this story might encourage that fear. In the future, I would rather write stories about how neurotypical and neurovariant people can cooperate in a way that is good for everyone.

In fact, one of my earlier concepts for this story was much more like that. In that version, a bunch of Ilse's classmates were facing some sort of crisis. The other classmates panicked and made things worse, but Ilse – who didn't have any emotions about the crisis at all – was able to stay calm and help them get things under control. Honestly, I wish I had written that version of the story instead of this one.

About the art style

Unlike the other comics on this site, I drew this one with pencil on paper, inked it with a pen, scanned it, and added the colors on the computer. By doing this, I achieved a much more precise style than I do when I draw using my graphics tablet.

I would like to be able to use this precise style for some of my future works. However, the physical drawing process also took much longer and was much more of a strain on my hands. It simply isn't worth the added difficulty. Perhaps I will eventually come up with a way to get the best of both worlds.

Approximate readability: 6.47 (1881 characters, 434 words, 29 sentences, 4.33 characters per word, 14.97 words per sentence)