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ILSE: What was I supposed to do – abandon you? This is why I hang out with outcasts: All I have to do to win your love is to not be a complete asshole!

On the words "complete asshole", Ilse's speech slips from a mechanical style to a handwritten style.

ILSE: This is what I HATE about people like you!

LUCIA: "People like me"?

ILSE: Yeah, people like you. NORMAL people.

Ilse's eyes are still red and angry. Now ze also leans forward aggressively and begins crying red tears.

ILSE: When I pretend to be what I'm not, you call me "best friend"! But when I you the truth you think I'm lying!!

Ilse realizes that ze has just spilled zir drink. Zir eyes go back to normal, and ze leans back and takes a drink from what's left. The two of them stare at each other for a moment.

LUCIA: Ilse I don't think you're lying

ILSE: Oh yeah then what do you think.

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