Story idea: The legendary monster hunter

A legendary monster hunter arrives from another world.

In zir own world, people are generally good to each other, but they can be transformed into monsters by curses. Some monsters are huge and grotesque, but others look a lot like humans. When people turn into monsters, monster hunters have to stop them – sometimes by killing the monsters, but usually by ending the curses that caused the problem in the first place.

When the legendary monster hunter appears in our world, ze is shocked by how often people hurt each other here. But ze quickly comes to a conclusion: our soldiers, our tyrants, our child abusers, are not human. Instead, they are human-like monsters who have been transformed by curses. So ze starts doing the work of stopping them – sometimes by killing the monsters, but usually by ending the curses that caused the problem in the first place.


This is basically a fantastical version of my real-life beliefs about justice. Sometimes, fighting and punishment are necessary. But usually, we should focus on fixing the causes of abuse.

This story could also have a pretty funny side. It would have a high-fantasy character showing up in the modern world.

“You see, sometimes, when a person grows up in an abusive household, they can end up repeating those behaviors towards their own children –”

Finally, something was starting to make sense. “Oh! So they're like vampires!”

“Er – not exactly –”

I'm imagining zem wearing a lot of leather belts, to carry lots of magic potions and powders that ze uses for monster hunting. Ze'd also have a very friendly and sincere personality. Ze'd be very sincere when real-life people would normally just be polite. That would not only be funny, but also set a good example.

I like this story idea a lot. I don't feel inspired to write it, though. Usually, when I have an idea I like, I leave it in the back of my mind for a while, to see if I come up with ways to develop it further. But I had this idea long time ago, and I haven't really come up with anything.

Maybe one of you could write it, though! If you do, I'll even put a link to it here. Any volunteers?

– Eli

Approximate readability: 6.64 (1678 characters, 381 words, 26 sentences, 4.40 characters per word, 14.65 words per sentence)